The Sonoran Desert is hostile and yet so beautiful, full of color, contrast, and wonders of life. It is hard to imagine that there are animals and plants that can thrive in an environment that offers no rain at all and temperatures over 100 degrees F (about 38 degrees C) for several weeks in the summer, and snow as well as temperatures below freezing in the winter. Gardening in the desert is no less challenging, and the key to success is simply to learn, adjust, and never give up.
A beautiful recovery after winter
Amazing sunsets
Double Rainbow
Hardy Red Oleander in bloom
Pink explosion in the back (Pink Beauty Oleander)
Plants recover after a hard frost
Poppy Flowers announce the spring
Purple Leaf Plum Tree in full bloom
Queen Palms slowly recovering after winter
Texas Mountain Laurels in bloom
Windy Days – one balloon flew all the way to Amarillo, Texas
Arizona Barrel Cactus – blooms in the summer
Fire in the Catalina Mountains
It is soooo hot! Bobcat comes to drink at our pool
Mountain Lion at our house – came down after fire in the Catalina Mountains
Summer Garden – Everything turns green!
Cholla after a heavy rain
Creosote Bush sparkling in the sunlight after a heavy rain
Heavy Monsoon Rain
Tanque Verde Wash after several days of rain; this wash is dry most of the year
Washes surrounding our house after a rain
Washes surrounding our house after a rain
Acoma Crape Myrtle in fall; the leaves of crape myrtles look stunning in fall; they drop in winter
Cape Honeysuckle in the fall
Tree fallen over after a storm; it missed our roof by only a few inches
Tree fallen over after a storm
Tree fallen over after a storm; it damaged our wall
Garden after a hard frost
Christmas is here!
Prickley Pear after a hard frost
Queen Palms after a hard frost
Red Rocket Crape Myrtle in winter
Yes! It does snow in the Desert 🙂 – not often though
Snow in the Desert; it usually does not stay but melts during the day as the temperature differences between day and night are huge